Inner-Connect's Mission is to provide quality mental health care to support you in shaping a healthier future for yourself.

Who are we?

We are qualified and experienced therapists committed to facilitating your journey of personal growth.

Why Inner Connect?

Our therapists are internationally trained, have diverse backgrounds, with many years of experience in teaching and training psychologists and are continually upgrading their skills. We provide a private, safe and non-judgmental environment for you to express yourself freely. Client confidentiality is of paramount importance to us and we make every effort to uphold it.

When to seek therapy?

If you find yourself :

  • Anxious, stressed or overwhelmed with your life
  • Having difficulty functioning with day to day activities
  • Feeling “stuck” or confused
  • The need for a “neutral perspective”
  • Addictive behaviours

How Can Counselling help me?

  • Helps you to explore and understand your experiences
  • Assists you with developing new skills, resources and coping strategies
  • Provides you with non-judgemental support
  • Helps you set goals, both personally and professionally
  • Gives you the time and space to introspect
  • Brings clarity to your thoughts, behaviour and feelings
  • Teaches you new coping skills
  • Helps you gain insight and awareness about yourself

Our Mission

Our Mission is to assist you and your family cope, identify and overcome life challenges. Our therapists practice client-centred values placing emphasis on your strength, resiliency, and collaboration.

Inner Connect provides quality psychotherapy by qualified and experienced therapists, using research based techniques, in a comfortable and nurturing environment.

We specialise in providing the best quality psychological therapy in our jubilee hills centre or in the comfort of your home, online via audio and/or video calls. Our approach to counselling is 3 fold: Our therapists will help you commence your journey to feeling better using our Reflect - Reassess - Rebuild process.


Understand the ongoing issue and recognise its impact on your life.We help you to verbalise your thoughts and feelings, thereby beginning the process of personal growth.


Introspection helps you achieve insight into underlying issues and you begin to realise the need to make changes. We enable you to analyse different facets of the situation/ issue objectively.


Develop healthy coping skills and feel confident of living in the present. Learn to rely on yourself by using the tools that the therapist discusses with you.

What’s worrying you?

While there can never be a
substitute for consistent efforts
towards nurturing our mental health,
certain situations call for added attention.

Our team of Psychologists/Therapists

Our psychologists are trained to ensure that you receive the best quality of empathetic care.

Dr.Varudhini Kankipati, Ph.D. is a practicing psychologist

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book session with Varudhini

Surabhi is a counseling psychologist with expertise in handling relationship issues.

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English, Hindi

book session with surabhi

Our team of Psychiatrists

Our psychiatrists are trained to ensure that you receive the best quality of empathetic care.

MD Psychiatry

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Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, English, Hindi

book session with Vijay

Special interest in Adult psychiatry, Child adolescent psychiatry, sexual medicine, de-addiction psychiatry , Memory and Geriatric Psychiatry.

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English, Hindi

book session with Phani

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosexual medicine, Couples therapy, CBT therapy, DBT therapy

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book session with Divya


Advanced Certificate Course in Diabetology – European Association for the Study of Diabetes e.V. (EASD)

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book session with Sudeepta


have a question about the service?

Frequently asked questions

We’re here to equip you with the tools and skills to support yourself when you need it.

1. What is Inner-Connect? +

Inner-Connect is a professional counseling service provider. Our therapists are qualified and specialise in offering the best quality psychological therapy in our Jubilee Hills Centre or online (via audio and/or video calls).

2. Are Inner-Connect therapists qualified? +

Our therapists are screened and selected after a careful examination of their qualifications, experience and skills.
Every therapist associated with Inner-Connect holds a master’s degree at a minimum and specializes in counseling psychology. They undergo regular training programmes and supervision to ensure that you receive the best quality of care.

3. How long does it take for therapy to be effective? +

The time required for therapy to be effective varies based on individual needs, resources, and goals. It requires as much commitment from the client as the therapist.
Some of you may begin to experience the benefits of psychological therapy within the first couple of sessions while for others this may happen over a longer timeframe.

4. Do I need a special computer or Smartphone for the online session? +

Any phone including a featurephone or fixed telephone line is sufficient for a phone call with the therapist. A WhatsApp video call can be done with a regular Smartphone. A normal laptop can be used for video call session as well, assuming broadband connectivity is available.

5. Is the information I share kept confidential? +

The information shared with Inner-connect is kept strictly confidential inline with our privacy policy which will be explained in your first session, including limitations of the policy as applicable by law.

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    We specialise in providing the best quality psychological therapy in the comfort of your home, online via audio and/or video calls.


    Have a question?

      Signs of Your Well-Being

      We have put together a checklist, which is not exhaustive and may not exactly describe what you are feeling but can help you identify signs that your mental health needs care.

      If you find yourself

      • Struggling to keep up with your day-to-day activities
      • Unable or with diminished ability to concentrate
      • Isolating from people (including your loved ones and/or colleagues)
      • Avoiding activities that you previously enjoyed
      • Experiencing sleep disturbances (sleeping too much / too little/ sleeping with frequent interruptions)
      • With a change in appetite (eating too much / too little)
      • Under constant financial and / or social pressure
      • Experiencing difficulty in managing chronic physical health problems
      • Feeling hopeless
      • Consistently low in energy
      • Abusing alcohol, drugs or medication
      • Experiencing increased difficulty in managing your mood
      • Thinking of harming self and / or others
      • Harming self and / or others

      Above symptoms should not be taken as an indication of an underlying mental health disorder but only as a guide to seek professional help.

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      Interpersonal Relationships

      “No man is an island”. One of the most significant contributors to a happy life is creating strong interpersonal relationships. Though relationships are key to leading a fulfilling and contented life, maintaining healthy relationships with certain significant members in our lives can be challenging at times.  The relationships that we find enriching are not limited to family or friends, but extend to work colleagues, neighbors, society or club members etc. If you can relate to any of the following statements, then you could be struggling with your interpersonal relationships:
      1) Feel alone or isolated.

      2) Find yourself regretting things you’ve said or keep replaying past situations repeatedly in your mind.

      3) Feel misunderstood or crave a deeper connection with others.

      4) Have a desire to get along better with co-workers, classmates, or family members.

      5) Have trouble setting boundaries with others, have trouble saying “no”.

      6) Feel scared to be “yourself” around others, and find yourself saying and doing things just to be liked.

      A Inner-connect therapist can help you understand your role in creating and maintaining healthy relationships with others and also identifying unhealthy relationships that cause more harm than good.

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      Balancing Life

      What does a balanced life mean to you? It’s important to define this from your perspective as the concept is a very individualized one. The goal is to be completely satisfied with every aspect of your life (work, family, spiritual, personal etc) such that no one area is adversely affecting another aspect.

      To have a job that we love, a family we cherish, the body we aspire for, the social circle we desire…such a life is regarded as the perfect embodiment of balance. Such a utopian view of life can also cause undue stress, as much as lack of balance in itself, keeping us from being truly happy.

      Inner-connect therapists encourage you to pause and reflect on the ever-evolving concept of balance. We help you recognise the interconnectedness between different facets of your life, find mutual value among them, define boundaries that work for you and ones that need refinement. However, this need not be a sudden or dramatic upheaval; it can be achieved through small but significant changes allowing you to build on them and can transform the quality of your life for the better.

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      Change is inevitable, and events leading to significant changes in your life can sometimes be difficult to handle. Certain life events whether planned or unexpected, can bring with them uncertainty, fear, anxiety, or grief. For instance, taking up a new job in a different city or losing a job, moving on from a relationship, becoming a parent, losing a loved one, or living through a global pandemic etc…call on you to redesign several aspects of your life. These transitions can create numerous demands on your time and energies, dealing with which can be daunting. Denying and/ or avoiding change can sometimes be tempting, but these strategies often minimise your abilities to navigate through the transitions.

      Acknowledging the reality that we are faced with can be most difficult. However, doing so is the first of the many steps that can help you deal with change. Inner-connect therapists are here to help you develop coping skills and visualise your desired outcomes. Equally important is to recognise and address the blocks that keep you from thriving in these ever changing times. Growing through transitions is possible and we are committed to facilitating that journey for you.

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      Of all our relationships the most complex relationship is with our spouse/partner. It is the relationship that we invest the most in and the one that can cause the most stress when it is strained. Our happiness and quality of life are directly proportional to how well our marriage is doing.

      Inner-connect couples’ therapists will help you to:

      • ​Feel heard, seen and understood in the sessions.
      • Recognize the underlying resentments and patterns that have caused you so much pain.
      • Learn how to reconnect and work through the pain.

      During the sessions you will learn new tools to reconnect with your partner and can practice them at home to forge anew and maintain the reconnection.

      Please be aware the goal of the couples’ therapy is to help you figure out what you want from the marriage, b

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      Stress Anxiety Depression

      “S-A-D” represent the most common conditions that dampen one’s well-being. While they can and do co-occur, there is merit to recognising the subtle, yet important differences between them.

      You could relate to a hypothetical situation where: you just had a fight with a loved one. If your heart is racing, palms are sweaty and there is a heaviness in the chest, you are probably stressed. If you are constantly thinking of worst-case scenarios, are fixated on all things negative, and are preoccupied with the fight well past its ending, you could be anxious. If the fight causes you to feel extremely low, lose interest in activities that you previously enjoyed, develop irregular eating and/ or sleep habits, feel worthless, hopeless and/ guilty for days at a stretch, you could be depressed.

      It is critical to recognize if and when stress, anxiety, and/ or depression requires clinical interventions. If you are struggling with “S-A-D”, Inner-connect therapists are here to offer support and help you rebuild your strength. We believe that at the core, “S-A-D” reflects your relationships with your thoughts. Reframing these alongside focusing on your feelings and actions can enable you to take better care of yourself.

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      Trauma and Abuse

      Life events that cause trauma or being subjected to abuse (mental, physical or sexual) increases the risk of affecting your mental health. Emotional and psychological trauma occurs when you are subjected to a particularly stressful event or prolonged exposure to abuse that breaks your sense of security and ends up making you feel extremely helpless. The effects of psychological trauma can leave one feeling a great deal of emotions, memories, and anxiety. For some people it can leave them feeling numb, disconnected, and unable to trust other people. It’s important to seek timely help if you are experiencing any of the following:

      1. Have trouble functioning at home or work.
      2. Suffer from severe fear, anxiety, or depression.
      3. Are unable to form close, satisfying relationships.
      4. Experience terrifying memories, nightmares, or flashbacks.
      5. Avoid more and more anything that reminds you of the trauma
      6. Feel emotionally numb and disconnected from others.
      7. Use alcohol or drugs to feel better.

      Inner-connect therapists offer you a safe and non-judgmental environment for you to begin a healing process at a pace that you are comfortable with and eventually feel better.

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